8 reasons to have your own website

If your business or company does not yet have a presence on the Internet you have to read this, because we are going to answer the question: why do I need a website? so that you decide once and for all to open your own website.

Nowadays having a website is more than a fashion or a luxury, it is a real need that you should not ignore, because every day more and more people seek to satisfy most of their needs through the Internet, entering to find everything from entertainment to shopping for basic necessities, that’s why you should not miss this opportunity, because it means being left out of the new way of doing business. Here are 8 reasons to have a website.

1 Exposure

Ultimately having a website boosts the amount of visibility of your brand or business, no matter how local it is.  Having a website means that you are telling the world “this is my business, here I am”, thus increasing visibility, which leads to increased customer possibilities.

If you have a local business and you have doubts about whether or not you need a website, let us tell you a little of Google’s statistics on search habits, because according to the technology giant only last year 76% of daily searches related to “near me” end up visiting a local or business and 86% of these searches ended in a purchase, so more and more Internet users are buying by reviewing the offer online, definitely do not want your business to be on the sidelines of these searches.

It doesn’t matter if you are a local business, staying off the Internet puts you at a distinct disadvantage compared to your competitors.

2 Brand positioning on the web

If you had already understood the power of the Internet and the need for your brand to be on it, but you have only decided to have a presence on social networks, making a business profile for your company, such as a fan page on Facebook, then let me tell you that you are missing many opportunities, because a website or a web page can achieve better results for the positioning of your brand. In addition, it is easier to link it to other sites, such as Google Maps, which allows you to position yourself against your competition, appearing in local searches.

If you are interested in learning more about the differences and benefits of a website over a Facebook Fan Page, you can read our post about it.

3 Large scale and targeted advertising

As you can imagine, having a website is an excellent way to advertise, because it allows you to reach more people. The most important thing is that this type of advertising is different from traditional media, because it allows you to have a large-scale, targeted and measurable visibility.

A website allows you to access tools that will help you to better understand your audience and to segment your advertising according to this target audience, so instead of making a massive and expensive campaign you can make a campaign with a more specific approach directed especially to the audience that is interested in your products.

Many of the results of an advertising or marketing campaign on your website can be easily measured with tools like Google Analytics, this allows you to evaluate the reach not only of a campaign but of your website itself, so you can change an ongoing strategy or make better targeted advertising according to the measured results.

4 Information support

Another reason to make your website is that it is an excellent way to function as an information support, so on your website you can put information about your company such as history, objectives, mission and vision. With this, your clients or future clients can get to know you better and can consult this information from anywhere and at any time. Of course, information about each of your products can also be consulted, if you choose to do so.

5 Interaction with the public and customer service

One of the most important concerns you should have when you start a business is to establish a friendly and efficient customer service, and having your own website can also help you in this.

A website helps you to maintain an interaction with your audience, this can be done thanks to different strategies, one of them is incorporating a form for registration and comments or you can insert a plugin to have your own chat service or another like WhatsApp on your website.

This allows you to save a lot of money because you do not have to hire specialized services to receive and maintain contact with customers, because you only need to be aware of the messages on your page, this ensures that you can be in direct contact with your customers, answer their questions and correct problems.

6 Available 24/7

Another great advantage of having a website is that your customers or visitors will have access 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, this means that no matter the day or time, if a potential customer has questions about some of your services can enter your website to resolve it. Imagine what this means if you decide to set up an online store, it is simply the possibility of selling all day and all year long.

7 An ally for sales

The truth is that deciding to set up an online store can be a very difficult step to take, which requires a lot of effort, knowledge and capital, so you may not be interested in doing this for the moment and that’s fine. However, even without being an online store a normal website is an excellent ally for sales.

With a website you can upload all the information of the products or services you have in your business or physical company, this will help you to have a first contact with thousands of potential customers to know your products and value them without the need to come to you.

Another way to achieve more sales is through email marketing, this is an excellent way to send information and offers directly to the email of your frequent customers, this guarantees more secure sales without investing so much in advertising.

To do this practice, you have to create landing pages, in which you offer something for free (such as a coupon or offer) in exchange for registering on your page leaving valuable information such as their email, so with the generated list you can make campaigns directly with them.

8 It is very profitable

Undoubtedly, the biggest advantage of having a website for your business is that it is very profitable, even without knowing much about web design or Internet you can have one for a few dollars a year and you do not need to invest much to maintain it and keep it updated. Even if you decide to hire specialists to design and manage it, the benefits and profits are much higher than the expenses.

As you can see, any business or company, no matter its line of business or size, can benefit from having a presence on the Internet, so if you don’t have one yet, it’s time to start thinking about creating one, so you don’t miss out on all the opportunities that the web has for you. If you have doubts about how to create a website you can check our guides about it, but first tell us, do you think there are more reasons to have a website that we left out?

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