Managing your business finances can be a tedious and overwhelming activity, luckily today technology can also help you, so today we will show you 3 apps to manage your business finances, so you can manage your business expenses from your cell phone.

Today there are applications for everything and thanks to them we can solve a variety of problems of our day to day and increasingly become more professional, allowing us to solve complex tasks such as the finances of our company. With the applications that we will analyze below you will be able to keep a balance of accounts, control the cats and you can even keep the accounting of your business. In short, these applications will help you have a better control of your money, so choose the one that best suits your needs.


With Mint you will carry your own finance manager in your pocket. It is a very practical expense management tool, as it allows you to gather all the balances to be paid, whether they are cards, supplier accounts, invoices or services. In addition, it sends you reminders of upcoming cut-off dates.

It also allows you to organize expenses by categories and make a daily budget, all this thanks to the fact that it synchronizes all your financial information, from your bank accounts, credit cards to your expenses. To top it off, Mint studies all your financial information to give you personalized advice.

Another of the advantages offered by this application is that it lets you set financial goals, for example to save a certain amount of money each month, or reduce daily expenses. This function is perfect if you want to get rid once and for all of that debt that never seems to end! To do this, you must establish how much money you want to spend each month to pay it off and Mint will help you organize your expenses so that you can meet this budget.

By the way, Mint does not even miss the cash, because you can enter information about the money you have, and the application will also keep track of how much you spend and how much you have left.

Requirements and costs

The app for now is only in English language, but it is quite intuitive, so if you don’t speak it anyway you can use it without any problem. Mint is available for Android and iOS, you can also download the version for watchOS. The best thing is that Mint is a free app.


Clara is one of our favorite apps. It is one of the most successful startups in recent years. This company entered the select group of Latin American unicorn companies last year. The truth is that this success is not for free, as this app came to revolutionize the way we use corporate cards.

Clara is one of the best alternatives in the market, especially for entrepreneurs, because it offers more than a business credit card. With it, you have different lines of credit customized for each type of company and the best thing is that it does not require personal guarantees.

By contracting Clara’s services you get both physical and digital credit cards, from its application you can make payments, check the balance and turn the card on or off, as you do with a personal account.

In addition to having a credit line with Clara, you also get an app that will allow you to manage the company’s expenses.

From your mobile device you can check your expenses in real time, turn a card on or off, make payments or transfers, schedule recurring payments and set a spending limit.

Costs and requirements

The best thing is that the app is available for Android and iOS systems. To hire their services, you just have to register with a business email and set a password. Then you have to fill in some data for the approval of your credit.

One of the advantages of Clara is that you do not have to pay annuity, its business model is based on charging a small percentage of each transaction, which is paid by the businesses where the credit cards of your work team are used.

Mercado Pago

We have left for the last the most famous of all and the one that has been working for some time now, we are referring to the Mercado Pago app.

The Mercado Pago application is much more than a tool to manage your business finances, it is a payment platform that will make shopping easier for your customers.

With Mercado Pago, you can add a button directly in your online store so that your customers can pay while browsing your website, without further complications. If you have physical stores then you and your customers can also enjoy the benefits of Mercado Pago, since customers with an account on the platform can pay without cash, just by using a QR code that you place in your store.

On the other hand, with Mercado Pago you can hire a Point card reader to make payments with credit or debit cards, which allows you to receive your money instantly in your Mercado Pago account.

Requirements and costs

One of the great advantages of Mercado Pago is that it is very easy to acquire, you only need to have a bank account in the country where you are going to make transactions, in the case of operating from Mexico you will also need your INE or IFE, then you have to fill out a special registration form for customers from Mexico.

The application is free, however there are some commissions for receiving money through the app, but it charges a small commission, around 3%, for each deposit that comes to you.

You should also consider that if you want to purchase a point card reader for your retail establishment, you should pay between 179 and 2,499 pesos.

In summary, the Mercado Pago application is one of the most complete, not only to manage your finances, it is also an excellent way to receive payments for your business, which gives ease and confidence to your customers.

Other applications that can help you

These applications will help you manage your finances in general, but there are also some applications that are used for more specific functions such as expense control, corporate payments or invoice management, here are some of our favorites that will make your financial life easier.

QuickBooks: is an application available for Mexican companies that allows you to automatically capture invoices from suppliers and customers. The best thing is that all this information is stored in the cloud so that it is available whenever you need it.

Odoo is a software that can help you keep a more organized accounting, through it you can generate and send invoices.

Expensify is the perfect application to help you keep track of your company’s expenses more efficiently. It is available for Android and iOS, the price is 5 to 9 USD per month, depending on the plan you need, but it is well worth it.

Venmo if you have a partner or more in your company and you share the expenses between you, then it is best to use this application, because it allows you to pay for services collaboratively.


There are many applications that can help you, the most important thing is that you are encouraged to start using these tools to help you manage the finances of your company, because in this important aspect technology can be your best ally, and can take your company to a new level. So, if you know of any other application, do not hesitate to share it with us.

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