Through the years, there has been Mexican startups that have managed to position themselves in the national market, even in the international one. Which ones are they?

Mexicans are characterized for being hard-working and clever, and that is reflected on the amount of new businesses that they are and in the success many have achieved. The country has over 230 startups, which represents the biggest fintech market in Latin America, followed by Brazil with 130 new companies and Colombia with 77.

Today, there’s different startups, or enterprises in their early stages, that have achieved a lot of success. Some of them could stop being considered startups as they have moved from that initial stage and have a bigger reach. However, we’ll include them for their successful beginning and business plan.


Nubix is a system that allows to store medical diagnostics in the Cloud, reach them anywhere and interpret them.


You’ve listened about Kichinik for sure, a startup that eases the opening of virtual stores for enterprises. It started with 300 stores and, currently, they have over 45,000 in the whole country.


With the use of People Analytics, this company helps organizations improve their business results, providing them simple tools that allows them to make decisions associated with the human factor.


This company is one of the most popular; it started in 2015 as a business that only sold online one type of matress. Two years later, their model has changed: now that they have physical stores along with the virtual one, they sell other kind of products, like pillows.

Kuona Analytics

This company offers solutions based in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and helps consumer and retail companies optimize their prices and promotions, client portfolio and inventories.


Due to the success the previous companies have achieved, among many others, in Mexico there seems to be even more investments that bet on startups. Therefore, if you’re planning to start a business, don’t hesitate to approach an incubator where they can give you advise and orient towards a safe success.

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