In order to facilitate the search of a website and other resources on Internet the Domain Names System or DNS was created.

The DNS translates an IP address into a unique alphanumerical address called Domain Name, which is easier to remember.

For example, if you visit the Registry .MX website, would you prefer to remember the IP address or only enter in your browser “”?

The relation between the IP addresses and the .MX domain names is kept in the Registry´s .MX database, which is responsible of guaranteeing its availability at all times.

Administration of a .MX domain name
A .MX domain name can be registered under individuals or corporations also known as Registrant. The registration is done through our Accredited Registrars or of their Resellers.

The maximum registration period for a .MX domain name is up to 10 years.

Useful information to manage your .MX domain name

  • Always use real information to register a domain name and keep it updated over any change (Name, address, email, etc.)

  • Remember that the Registrant is the holder of the domain name while it’s active; make sure that the person who appears in this field is correct. We recommend you to review the Whois information at least once a year.

  • Always ask for a valid tax receipt of your domain name registration, which must include at least: Period hired, domain name, date of payment and name of sender and receiver of the voucher.

  • Consider using a lock on your domain registration if your Registrar offers it. This will help you to avoid domain transfers or modifications without your consent.

  • Remember the renewal date of your domain name and be sure to renew it before the expiration date.

.MX domain name types

  • .mx Any entity.
  • Nonprofit Organizations.
  • Institutions or offices of the Mexican Government (Federal, State or Local).
  • Any entity.
  • Mexican institutions of education or investigation.
  • Internet Service Providers located in Mexico.
For more information about .MX Domain Names, please visit our FAQs.

is Mexico on the Internet