If you think your business needs a digital transformation, keep reading because today we are going to give you some reasons to decide once and for all to take your business to the digital world.
The new year is coming and with it the desire to renew, if you want to make a really significant change for your business then you should think about taking it to the next level, making a digital transformation. But if you don’t have a very good idea of what it consists of, here we explain it to you and give you some tips to get it going.

What is a digital transformation and why do I need to do it?

We can say that the digital transformation of a business consists of optimizing it so that it works with new technologies, integrating it into each of its processes. This means that it goes beyond just having a presence on the Internet with a website or a profile on a social network.

Implementing digital tools to your business will bring you great benefits, because thanks to increased efficiency you can better manage risk, reach new customers and above all you can discover new opportunities for revenue generation.

3 signs that your business needs a digital transformation

If you are hesitating to renew your business digitally, the truth is that it is best that you do it once and for all, because the benefits that this transformation will bring to you cannot be wasted, no matter what market niche you develop, the digital era is for everyone.

If you still don’t believe that your business needs to join the digital wave, check these three signs that will help convince you that your business needs to evolve as soon as possible.

1.You are in one of these niche markets.

It doesn’t matter what your business line is, because the important thing is that you take that step to new technologies and start a transformation. However, there are some lines of business that have already been in the digital world for several years and that, due to their nature, the change is even more necessary.

The following services on the list are those that have evolved the most on the Internet in 2019, so if you have not yet taken that leap it is best that you decide to do it as soon as possible because they are turns to which the public increasingly go through digital platforms, gradually leaving aside traditional businesses.

  • Travel
  • Toys and Hobbies
  • Fashion and Beauty
  • Digital Music
  • Video Games

So now you know if your business is within a line of business of this list, in addition to having a presence on the Internet you must improve the operation throughout your company so you can meet the new challenges of a business facing digital competition.

2. Your work teams are not that efficient

You may realize that a digital transformation of your business is necessary when all areas need to achieve better results and be more efficient. If there is little communication between your work teams or it is totally inefficient, the best thing to do is to start organizing and coordinating projects digitally. Thanks to tools such as Monday, Trello or Google Keep, you can assign tasks and monitor their completion from a single place without having to travel.

 3. Your customer is not at the center of your business

If your company does not have a business model that is customer-centric, then it is time to reconsider and start planning changes to make the customer the most important person, because according to the Superoffice site, companies that are customer-centric are 58% more profitable than those who have another business model.

If you are interested in starting to pay more attention to the needs of your consumers you will have to start applying user satisfaction surveys, in addition to some market analysis and this is where you will need digital tools.

Market studies and satisfaction surveys can yield a significant amount of data that will surely be difficult to handle and above all to interpret, so it is best that you make use of tools that will help you get the most out of this type of data.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a statistic that helps you measure customer satisfaction and the likelihood that they will recommend you to other customers, although it is usually a somewhat complicated data to obtain there are several tools that can do it for you digitally.


Some basic points for digital transformation

Transforming your business is not something that will be done overnight, but what you can do is to start with some basic changes that can mark an excellent and firm first step.

Internet of Things

Getting several smart devices for your business is a great investment, as you can interconnect them with each other. There are many applications of the Internet of Things for your business, for example there are devices that can collect information about consumption habits among your customers and this in turn will help you create better marketing campaigns. There are also devices that can help you evaluate the delivery process, to improve it or make it less costly.

Data Science

We have already talked a bit about how important the collection and interpretation of a large volume of data is for our company, of course the most obvious and important data are those related to customer needs, but your company will need you to analyze many others such as market behaviors, data about your competition.

Mexico has the second largest electronic market in Latin America, only after Brazil; as of 2019 it is estimated that 7 out of 10 Mexicans have access to the Internet, so imagine the time and effort it will take you to analyze the data of these consumers; this is precisely what big data is for.


This data can help you to better manage various aspects of your company, for example to manage your inventory after more accurate predictions about the consumption of your products or about fashions and market trends.

Although it sounds very complicated, you can hire people specialized in big data or a platform that does the job for you.

Software in the cloud

Every day we can do more and more things from the cloud, from saving files to working. Today there are many software options that you can work with from the cloud, from basic office programs such as text editors and spreadsheets from Google Drive, to more specialized ones such as the Adobe suite.

You can pay for premium accounts for these types of services, so you don’t have to worry about storage problems and your employees can work from any device connected to the Internet, without having to have the programs installed and without worrying about installing updates on all the computers in your company.


As you can see, digital transformation goes far beyond just having a presence on the Internet with a web page, because it implies that you are determined to take advantage of technology in every aspect of your business, that is, it implies a deeper change but one that is very worthwhile. Tell us, what other aspects of your business can take advantage of the digital change in the best way.

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