6 tips to get more sales

If you have already decided to put your store online but you do not have the sales you thought, do not worry because today we have for you a guide to increase the sales of your online store.

There are several strategies that you can implement to increase sales in your store, some are as simple as improving the images and others take a little more effort, however, have remarkable benefits to more complicated strategies, but with long-term results.

1.- Test your site

The first step you should take to improve sales in your online store is to check its performance. Despite the fact that people are becoming more and more encouraged to buy online, for many it still generates distrust, that is why you should review the operation of your online store to detect any faults that may arouse distrust and end up driving away customers.

There are several things that you should be constantly checking in your online store, here is a list of the most important things so that you do not miss any of them:

Speed: this is a key aspect that not only users value but Google itself, because a site that loads slowly loses places in the positioning (remember that less visibility less sales), also if it is slow users will surely end up leaving the store without buying anything, so have your technical team review the site and plugins you do not need, the important thing is to optimize it for fast loading.

Security: this is one of the key points to convince customers to make a purchase, so make sure you install several security filters and that these are visible. The first thing your website must have is an SSL certificate, that is the little green padlock that appears before the url, if you do not have it in automatic the browser will mark you as a non-secure site, also make sure to install software that guarantees the encryption of sensitive data such as Norton or Avast.

Payment methods: one of the reasons why customers desist from finally making a purchase is because they are not convinced by the payment method you have, and the truth is that it is very well understood, because every day more and more people prefer to use other forms of payment alternatives to credit cards, so in your online store it is best to install all possible methods, including cash, so that the customer can buy the way you feel safe.

2.- Use SEO to your advantage

If you think that the lack of sales in your online store has more to do with the fact that you don’t have many visitors, then what you have to do is to change your SEO strategy.

The first recommendation is to create a blog that talks about your niche market, so every post you write in it will be a new opportunity to appear in search results and this, of course, can translate into greater chances of sales.

Creating a blog is a good solution, because it offers many benefits without much investment, however if you have the possibility to invest more, propose the possibility of creating videos, as they can regularly rank better in search results and are usually more attractive to the public. You can choose any video platform, but recently Tik Tok has been prioritized as an excellent channel for marketing. You can read this post to learn how to develop a marketing strategy in this social network for your company.

3.- Make the most of social networks

Social networks are a powerful tool to reach your target audience, so it is very important that you start using them to your advantage, if you are not already doing so. For example, in recent years many companies have realized the power of Twitter as a channel for customer service, while Facebook, Tik Tok or Instagram are better networks to position yourself.

No matter what your business line is, you can design and implement a marketing strategy with the help of your social networks, after all it can be an excellent “first contact” with your potential customers.

The strategy will depend on your market niche but there are some recommendations that work for any business, for example put a lot of care in the images and videos because it is the first approach to your product, use the right hashtags and create infographics and short, clear and striking posts, especially with messages that encourage people to go to your online store.

4.- Create landing pages

On many occasions we have talked about the power of landing pages to make a sale or to attract more customers to our online store, for these reasons we do not want to leave them out of this guide.

A landing page is a web page, independent from your online store, which is composed only by a message, an image and, very important, a form. Its purpose is to attract the attention of whoever opens it to leave some personal data, so it is usually offered something free in exchange for the user to register. For example, you can offer a coupon or a free pdf, in exchange for them registering by leaving their contact information, with this you will have a database with valuable information of potential customers to whom you can offer promotions directly.

5.- Present your products in the right way

This is one of the first actions you should implement in your online store but many people take it for granted. Remember that the only approach that your customer has with your products is through images, so these should be your priority.

Try to upload photos of your products from various angles, so that customers can get to know your products almost as if they were holding them in their hands. Even if you have the budget and time you can make videos explaining the advantages of them or showing their operation and qualities over other products of your competition, this is a very simple way to convince your customers that you have what you are looking for.

6.- Show testimonials or reviews

One of the things that most help to convince a customer who has doubts about buying a product or not is to find a review. This is why you should consider opening a space in your online store so that your customers can leave at least some comments, but it is also a good idea to open a special section for the testimonials that most favor you.

Try to motivate your guest customers to leave their opinion about your products, their shopping experience and the reception of the shipment. The truth is that new customers will always be more attracted if they read the experience of real people. Finding a review can be the big difference between buying and not buying something.

Having an online store is not always easy, but the important thing is to be constantly reviewing and updating it so that it works great and generates the sales you need, you can take these tips as a list of points to review on your website periodically, but first tell us do you have any other tips to help increase sales of an online store?

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