8 tips to launch your website to the market successfully

If you already have a website and you do not have the visits you expected or you are about to get one but you are afraid that despite the investment of money and work it will not have the success you are looking for, then stay because we show you a guide to launch your website in the best way, so that from day one it reaches the largest possible audience.

Undoubtedly having a website is the best way to have a presence on the Internet, however there are some strategies that you can put in place so that your website has the highest visibility from the moment of its launch. Keep this guide because these tips will help you to have a good flow of visitors to your website.

1.- Perform a user test

It is normal that if you have designed your website yourself or at least you have been very involved in the process, it is most likely that for you the interface is very easy to use and you did not detect any problem. However, this is not always the case, because in the end we know what it does and where everything is, because we have done it ourselves, but for someone else it may be a little complicated, so we recommend that before publishing it you invite some people, who may be people you know or close to you, to interact a little with the site and evaluate if it works properly and, most importantly, if it is easy to use.

The best thing to do is to prepare a series of questions as a guide to evaluate key points of the site’s usability, for example:

  • Is the brand identity understood?
  • Does it look good on all devices and browsers?
  • Is it well understood how to move from one section to another?

If the feedback is positive then your page is ready to go live, if not then it is time to correct.

2.- Design a content marketing plan

Before creating your website it is important that you design a content marketing plan in which you look for keywords related to your company, to include them in your essential publications or your content, a good tip is to consider linking a blog to your website, in which you update content periodically, relating each entry with a keyword that can bring more traffic, this will help you in the SEO positioning of the web, because ?on each entry you will have more opportunities to appear in the top search results and that users stay to visit the content of the web.

3.- Create landing pages

The next tip will sound a little strange because a good way to attract visitors to your website is with another web page, but here we are not talking about just any page, we refer to a landing page, also known as landing page.

On several occasions we have already talked about the power of landing pages to attract new customers and generate more sales or in this case visits. Its operation is very simple, because they are simple pages, with nothing more than a very striking design with an attractive message and registration forms. For it to work you have to offer something free to your visitor in exchange for registration, it can be a pdf, a coupon, a discount or an offer, if he is interested to change it he will have to register, leaving data such as email.

The result of a landing page is a valuable mailing list to which you can directly send advertising and above all promote your website.

4.- Take advantage of Google Maps

On other occasions we have talked about the importance of Google Maps to make any business known, but it is especially functional for businesses that offer local services, since many of the searches on Google are related to “near me”, that is to say that people even resort to the internet for local services.

So before you open your website it is important that you register your business on Google Maps, this will help you to have more visibility and once you have your website is just a matter of updating your profile to add your address and direct all those people who have been interested in your business while searching on Google Maps.

5.-Open profiles on social networks

On other occasions we have talked about how to position your brand on the Internet it is better to do it on a website, because the profiles on social networks are not enough, but now we recommend you to open your profile on different social networks, because they are an excellent way to redirect visitors to your website.

If your company has a profile in different social networks you can guarantee that you will have a community before having a website, so these can be the first people you invite to visit it, in fact if you are active in your networks you will notice that your followers will ask you about your website.

6.- Use the power of reviews

Sites like Trivago, Booking or Yelp have been on the Internet for quite some time now and are an excellent option to convince the public that you are their best option. Remember that today people spend most of their time on the Internet, whether they are looking for something, learning, interacting, relaxing or shopping, and precisely this is an action that takes a lot of time, because the average buyer does not usually buy the first option, he spends time comparing his options, but above all he is interested in finding reviews about what he wants to buy.

That is why it is so important that you have a good presence on these sites, because in addition to generating more sales, when a consumer is interested in your services or products, he/she will most likely be interested in learning more about you through your website, that is why they are an excellent way to generate traffic.

Of course, your presence on these sites depends a lot on your business line and the type of page where you are interested in having a presence, for example on sites like Yelp or Trivago you can create your profile for free.

So, if you already have a profile on this type of metasearch or review sites, you only need to update it to add a direct link to your website.

7.- Check that everything is in order

Checking that everything is OK on your website before publishing it seems like a very obvious step, but it never hurts to make several revisions to make sure everything is perfect, especially with a website that any error in the design can affect the overall functioning of the same. Make several tests to check that the page opens at an average speed and that each graphic or multimedia element loads correctly, if you have several plugins installed, make sure they work well so that they do not hinder any process.

Nowadays we are all connected to the Internet more time thanks to our mobile devices, that is why it works better a page that has a view for mobile devices, so be sure to design this option for yours, because at the end of the day most of your visitors will see you from the screen of a smartphone.

8.- Use Google Analytics

We have recommended this tool many times before, as Google Analytics offers valuable statistics on user behavior on your website. This data is an important source that you can’t ignore when evaluating the results of certain campaigns, changes or new actions on your website, and it is also very important to design new marketing strategies.

As we have seen there are several strategies that you can implement before launching a website, so you can start generating visits from day one after publishing your website, you can even use these tips once your site is online, but tell us do you know any strategy to launch your website?

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