The domain of mexican entrepreneurs

With a .MX domain you can:

Appear higher in Google results, as local sites have priority in the searches done in Mexico.

Show your Mexican pride on your website and help boost local commerce.

Find the exact name of your brand or project thanks to the wide availability.

It doesn’t attach your project or brand to a specific activity.

.MX supports educational institutions through programs that give out free domains.

Guides for entrepreneurs like you

We know that starting a business in Mexico is for brave people like you and we not only want you to have your .MX domain, but for your business to become a success story. That’s why we share these guides so you can make it happen!

Success stories made with .MX

They took a chance with their projects and their .MX domains. Here we share their stories so that the world knows that things made in Mexico are well-made.

We want to share your story

If you want to be one of our success stories, share it with us and tell us how your .MX domain has opened doors for you.

is Mexico on the Internet