The goal for this group is to be a consultation organ, oriented to discuss policy and strategic topics in order to deliver recommendations for NIC México, that contribute to reach its goals, with the intent to support the strengthening of NIC México, as well as the development of internet in Mexico.

Occasionally, on site meetings are held by the committee, pursuing to privilege online discussions on the different discussion and work groups disposed for it. Furthermore, the rotation and renewal of the members of the committee is considered within the operation rules.

In order to perform its duties, since the creation of the Consultative Committee, NIC Mexico has gathered people with experience related to Domain Names, as well as pioneers of the Internet in Mexico, with the purpose of listening to their recommendations about this subject.

Rodrigo De la Parra / VP for Latin America and the Caribbean at ICANN

Rodrigo De la Parra

VP for Latin America and the Caribbean at ICANN

Joel Gómez Treviño / Founder at Lex Informatica

Joel Gómez

Founder at Lex Informatica

José Luis González / NEUBOX CEO

José Luis González


Alejandro Martínez Varela / Telecommunications and Network Coordinator at U de G

Alejandro Martínez

Telecommunications and Network Coordinator at U de G


Jenaro Martinez / Innovation Director at Axtel

Jenaro Martínez

Innovation Director at Axtel

Alejandro Pisanty / ISOCmex President and Professor at UNAM

Alejandro Pisanty

ISOCmex President and Professor at UNAM

Agustín Ríos / Founder at Ríos Abogados

Agustín Ríos

Founder at

Ríos Abogados


Javier Salazar / Vicepresident at LACNIC

Javier Salazar

Vicepresident at LACNIC

Valerio Torres / Director of Tecnological Development at Telmex

Valerio Torres

Director of Tecnological Development at Telmex

David Treviño / Co Founder at CITI Consultores

David Treviño

Co Founder at CITI Consultores

María Cristina Capelo / Head of Safety Policy for Latin America at Facebook

María Cristina Capelo

Head of Safety Policy for Latin America at Facebook

Lina Ornelas / Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean at Google

Lina Ornelas

Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean at Google

Adán Salazar / Director at Salazar Consulting

Adán Salazar

Director of Salazar Consulting

  • Rodrigo De la Parra / VP for Latin America and the Caribbean at ICANN
  • Joel Gómez Treviño / Founder at Lex Informatica
  • José Luis González / NEUBOX CEO
  • Alejandro Martínez Varela / Telecommunications and Network Coordinator at U de G
  • Jenaro Martinez / Innovation Director at Axtel
  • Alejandro Pisanty / ISOCmex President and Professor at UNAM
  • Agustín Ríos / Founder at Ríos Abogados
  • Javier Salazar / Vicepresident at LACNIC
  • Valerio Torres / Director of Tecnological Development at Telmex
  • David Treviño / Co Founder at CITI Consultores
  • María Cristina Capelo / Head of Safety Policy for Latin America at Facebook
  • Lina Ornelas / Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean at Google
  • Adán Salazar / Director at Salazar Consulting
  • Rodrigo De la Parra / VP for Latin America and the Caribbean at ICANN

    Rodrigo de la Parra has a Master's Degree in Economics, Politics and International Relations from the University of Essex in the UK. He has served as Professor of International Organizations and Economic Negotiations, as well as Consultant for Latin American Cooperation for Advanced Networks (Cooperación Latinoamericana para Redes Avanzadas). He currently serves as ICANN’s Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has more than 20 years of experience as a multicultural executive, having served as General Director of Prospective Regulation and General Director of International Cooperation of the Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (COFETEL) in Mexico before joining ICANN. Likewise, he has also been involved with various ICT groups from international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Organization of American States and the World Trade Organization, among others.

  • Joel Gómez Treviño / Founder at Lex Informatica

    Joel Gómez Treviño is a Lawyer graduated from the Tecnológico de Monterrey and has a Master's Degree in International Law from the University of Arizona. He is Doctor Honoris Causa. He has 25 years of experience as a specialist in digital law. He is the Founding President of the Academia Mexicana de Derecho Informático. He is Coordinator of the Committee on the Law of Information Technologies and Protection of Personal Data of ANADE and Coordinator of the Committee of Digital Compliance, Cybersecurity and Protection of Personal Data of CONACOM. He is a Founding Partner and Director of Lex Informática Abogados, and Rector of the Escuela de Derecho Digital. For his professional and academic career, he has received 21 recognitions from organizations in 5 countries.

  • José Luis González / NEUBOX CEO

    Founder of the company NEUBOX, the largest provider of Web Hosting in Mexico and top 5 in domain registration in our country. NEUBOX is a company accredited by NIC Mexico and ICANN.

    In 2016, he received the recognition of the 30 promises in the Forbes business for his drone company Unmanned Systems. He has co-founded or invested in various technological ventures with the company Lightcone Investments.

  • Alejandro Martínez Varela / Telecommunications and Network Coordinator at U de G

    Alejandro Martínez-Varela is a Communications and Electronics Engineer graduated from the University of Guadalajara. He has served as IT Development Coordinator at the University of Guadalajara, and now he works as Design Coordinator for IT at the same institution.

  • Jenaro Martinez / Innovation Director at Axtel

    Jenaro Martínez has over 25 years of career in the TMT (Technology, Media & Telecom) industry and specialties in the areas of innovation, technological evolution, digital transformation, product development and marketing. He joined Axtel in 1998 and has held various management positions in Innovation, Marketing, Pay Television and Technological Evolution. He currently works as Director of Innovation and Strategic Alliances. Jenaro Martínez is a Computer Systems Engineer, graduated from Tec de Monterrey and pursuing his MBA at IPADE.

  • Alejandro Pisanty / ISOCmex President and Professor at UNAM

    Alejandro Pisanty has experience as trustee of the Internet Society (ISOC), serving as head of ISOC Mexico. He has also served as Director of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and was CIO of the Universidad Nacional de México (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). He has also served as Head of Educación Abierta y a Distancia (UNAM). Additionally, he has managed supercomputing, Internet services, data and voice networks, education, training, a systems unit, Web-based services (portals, pages, etc.), e-learning, videoconferencing.

  • Agustín Ríos / Founder at Ríos Abogados

    Agustín Ríos is a lawyer graduated from the Universidad Panamericana. He is the Founder of the company R1OS Abogados, a legal boutique specialized in Intellectual Property, Corporate Law, Computer Law and Litigation.

  • Javier Salazar / Vicepresident at LACNIC

    Javier Salazar is an Electronics and Communications Engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and obtained a Master's Degree in Teleinformatics at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. He currently works as a cybersecurity engineer at the Tenable company and is Vicepresident of the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry, LACNIC.

    During more than 30 years of professional career closely linked with the introduction and expansion of the Internet in Mexico, highlighting the launch of the first digital link to the Internet in Mexico. He is an expert in TCP / IP networks and routing in large-scale networks and in 1994 he achieved CCIE certification (# 1302) by the company Cisco Systems. His experience includes the areas of engineering, operations, design and launch of products in the fields of networks, security and data centers.

    He has collaborated in educational institutions (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey), operators (Avantel now Axtel), private companies (Consorcio Red Uno, Micronet de México and others) and manufacturers (Cisco Systems and Ericsson).

  • Valerio Torres / Director of Tecnological Development at Telmex

    Valerio Torres is a Communications and Electronics Engineer graduated from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Previously, he worked in Data Services Technological Development at UniNet Telmex, and currently he works as Director of Technological Development at Telmex.

  • David Treviño / Co Founder at CITI Consultores

    David Treviño graduated from the Electronic Systems Engineer career at the ITESM Campus Monterrey in June 1983. He attended the EGADE Management Directors Training program in 2011. He is co-founder and partner of the Corporation for Technological Research in Informatics, CITI Value in Real Time, where he has worked since 1994. He currently occupies the Technology Directorate at CITI and since 1997, publishes a summary of news headlines with the most relevant events in the IT industry. Previously, he held the positions of Director of Information Technology and Director of Human Capital at CITI. For 10 years he worked at the ITESM Campus Monterrey as Director of Computational Technology, where he collaborated in the introduction of the first Internet services at the Institute and was part of the team that connected the Institute and Mexico to the Internet in 1988.

    He is a founding member of AMSI (Asociación Mexicana de la Seguridad de la Información), Chairman of the Emerging Trends and Technologies Committee of AMDI (Academia Mexicana de Derecho Informático). Since 2010 he has been a member of the NIC MX Advisory Committee. He is a mentor to entrepreneurs and a member of the project evaluation committee at Startup Studio Monterrey. He was part of the citizen editorial council of of the newspaper El Norte (2018, 2017, 2016). He is a proprietary director on the Board of Directors of CITI SAPI de CV and Restoclean SA de CV.

  • María Cristina Capelo / Head of Safety Policy for Latin America at Facebook

    MC (Maria-Cristina) currently serves as Facebook's Director of Security and Wellness Policy for Latin America, focused on ensuring that users feel safe on the platform to use their voice and continue building community. Before joining Facebook, MC spent more than five years on Google's Public Policy team and more than four years at CIDAC, a research center in Mexico City leading the issues of economic regulation and antitrust. MC graduated from the Washington University in St. Louis and has a Master's Degree in Public Policy from Duke, where she became a basketball fan. Venezuelan by birth, and after having lived in several Latin American countries, she lives in Mexico City with her very expressive and imaginative 4-year-old Martin and her two little dogs, Hakuna and Benita.

  • Lina Ornelas / Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean at Google

    Lina Ornelas is a Lawyer graduated from the University of Guadalajara, and has a Master's Degree in International Legal Cooperation from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She is an expert in classified information, archives, data protection, privacy and Internet governance, as well as has published books and academic articles on these topics. For 12 years, she worked in the public sector within Mexico and Europe. Serving for 9 years as General Director of Classification and Personal Data at the Transparency and Data Protection Authority (Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos, IFAI), and later as General Director of Self-regulation on personal data protection in the same institution. Prior to that, she worked for the European Commission and the Ministries of Economy and the Interior.

  • Adán Salazar / Director at Salazar Consulting

    Adán Salazar is a Computer Systems Engineer graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, and has a Master’s Degree of Science in Industrial Administration from the Instituto Tecnológico de Chihuahua. He has worked as an Analyst for the company Alderete y Socios Consultoría Industrial, he has also served as Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua by teaching subjects for the Entrepreneurial Workshop, Marketing, Financial Planning, as well as the subjects of the last semesters of the engineering careers. He currently serves as Director of the company Salazar Consultores, is an active member of the Internet Society (ISOC), and is President of the Asociación de Ejecutivos de Ventas y Mercadotecnia de Chihuahua.

  • Rodrigo De la Parra / VP for Latin America and the Caribbean at ICANN
  • Joel Gómez Treviño / Founder at Lex Informatica
  • José Luis González / NEUBOX CEO
  • Alejandro Martínez Varela / Telecommunications and Network Coordinator at U de G
  • Jenaro Martinez / Innovation Director at Axtel
  • Alejandro Pisanty / ISOCmex President and Professor at UNAM
  • Agustín Ríos / Founder at Ríos Abogados
  • Javier Salazar / Vicepresident at LACNIC
  • Valerio Torres / Director of Tecnological Development at Telmex
  • David Treviño / Co Founder at CITI Consultores
  • María Cristina Capelo / Head of Safety Policy for Latin America at Facebook
  • Lina Ornelas / Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean at Google
  • Adán Salazar / Director at Salazar Consulting

Previous Members

NIC Mexico appreciates the support and effort of the following people who have been previous members of the committee.

  • Juan José Zamanillo (2006-2008)
  • Oscar Vega (2007)
  • Sergio Rodríguez (2001-2005)
  • Alfredo Reyes Krafft (2007-2009)
  • Salma Jalife (2006)
  • Erik Huesca (2001-2006)
  • Enrique Díaz (2001-2005)
  • Salvador Abascal (2001-2005)
  • Andrés Velazquez (2006-2009)
  • Kiyoshi Tsuru (2001-2007)
  • Ramón Rodríguez (2006-2008)
  • Antonio Quirarte (2001-2008)
  • Adriana Ibarra (2006-2007)
  • Luis Pablo Hinojosa (2001-2005)
  • Roberto Deándar (2001-2005)

On Site Meetings

Most of the Committees work is done through discussions online, even though occasionally meetings are called to discuss important subjects. Till today, the following are the face meetings held by the committee.

is Mexico on the Internet