We’ll show you the 9 reasons why you should start advertising on the Internet for your project or business.

Nowadays we all spend a considerable amount of time of our day to day on the Internet and since its massification it has gained ground against other media, such as television, radio or print media; of course, this has made it a coveted medium for advertising.

If you still have doubts about it, keep reading because we are going to show you 9 advantages of advertising on the Internet.

1. It is accessible

One of the most significant advantages over other advertising platforms is that your ads are present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Available at a click away. In addition, according to El Economista by 2018 65.8% of the population in Mexico has access to the Internet, so your advertising campaign will be accessible to a significant percentage of the Mexican population.

2. Low cost

There are several ways to advertise on the Internet, each one offers different advantages and different prices, so it is very easy to generate a professional advertising campaign at low cost, you can even have some free advertising.

The price of an Internet advertising campaign varies according to the type of income: cost per click (CPC), cost per impression or cost per period of time; the format and the media you choose.

You can resort to hire the services of Google Adwords whose services are ideal for companies of all sizes, but are especially useful for small businesses, because the ad of your brand is placed in the top positions of Google search results. The price depends on the keyword you link it to and whether you prefer to pay per click or per number of impressions.

Advertising on Facebook can also be an excellent option, its cost ranges around 25 Mexican pesos, but it is best to choose the objective of your campaign from the beginning to get better results. You can choose between recognition, consideration or conversion.

There are also several strategies you can do to get online advertising for free. We have already talked about the benefits of having a blog and a Facebook Fan Page because in the end the projection that your products and your brand have translates into advertising. However, they are not the only tools you can use to your advantage, Google My Business is a platform designed specifically for businesses and has many tools that you can use to your advantage, such as visibility in the search engine, indexing your blog and appearing on Google Maps. Also, you can use the search engines’ webmaster tools, which offer you free SEO and performance measurement tools for your site.

3. Statistics

The next advantage that Internet advertising offers over traditional advertising media is that you can measure the reach and results of a campaign launched in this medium. In this sense, you can know how many clicks your ad received, to which group of people the advertising is reaching and if these clicks are turning into sales or subscriptions.

The advantage of having almost real-time statistics is that you can make the necessary modifications as quickly as possible to optimize a campaign.

4. Positioning

This advantage of Internet advertising is the most valued, or should be the most valued, by small businesses or startups. Due to the large number of users that are present on the Internet and platforms such as social networks, you can quickly position your brand, making it known and gaining new customers in a very short time.

5. High effectiveness

One of the biggest fears when starting an advertising campaign is that in the end you will not get the desired results. However, the chances of this happening with online advertising is very low, thanks to the tools available and the measurement of results of each ad and campaign, you can monitor the reach and usefulness of your advertising, you can even change aspects of your ads to get better results as soon as possible.

Online advertising today has improved so much that thanks to features such as targeting and flexibility you can guarantee that the information will reach the audience you are looking for.

6. Time saving

The next advantage is two-fold. Doing anything online represents a time saving compared to doing something the traditional way, the same happens with online advertising, making ads for the web can reduce some time, for example you can avoid the process of printing an ad or you can save the time of leafleting in the street; however, it does not mean that you do not have to take your time to develop an ad online, on the contrary you have to put a lot of attention and time to make it attractive, but you can save time in certain processes.

On the other hand, you can see the time savings reflected in the period in which an ad reaches your customers or potential customers. In other types of advertising it can take several days or weeks for a finished ad to reach the final consumer, while on the web it is a matter of minutes.

7. Flexibility

One characteristic to consider when choosing Internet advertising is flexibility. An Internet advertising campaign has the flexibility to change any strategy that is not working as you would like, from the moment you notice an error you can make the change you need and it is reflected in the campaign immediately.

8. Segmentation

Although it is thought that thanks to the Internet you can reach anyone in the world, it is best that your marketing and advertising campaigns are focused on a target audience, so that the message you want to send can reach only the audience you are interested in, without wasting time positioning yourself among an audience that may not be interested in you.

Internet advertising offers you precisely enough data to choose your target audience, or the audience to which your brand and products are directed, so that they can receive your ads.

This segmentation allows you to optimize your ads, concentrating on your audience, so that in the end most of the views of your ads can be translated into sales.

9. Professionalism

Today, having online presence is everything for businesses, especially for small businesses and startups. Advertising on the Internet, even just having a clear and well-designed website, is enough for people to know you and project an image of seriousness and professionalism.

The truth is that implementing an Internet campaign is currently the smartest way to invest in advertising, however, although it can be done in a few clicks you have to spend time researching your target audience, their needs and tastes, you should always strive to make simple and eye-catching ads that can convince your audience to choose you and not your competition.

Tell us, what do you think about the benefits of online advertising? Do you think that other media can have the same advantages?

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