It is said that if your business does not have a website or is not on social networks then it does not exist, many small businesses have understood this very well and are now on social networks, however what no one tells you is how to manage them, so today we present the top 5: the best tools to schedule publications on social networks to make this important work a little easier.

It is vitally important to manage social networks correctly and have a good presence on them, because nowadays they can be the first contact with new users and therefore the best way to attract an audience and generate interaction with your public. This job can be very complicated, it can take you a lot of time and can result in something very complicated but in this tutorial we will give you some tools that will facilitate the publication of social networks.

The importance of social networks for your business

On other occasions we have already mentioned the importance of taking correctly our social networks, we can summarize its importance in two reasons: the first is that nowadays they can be the first contact that the customer has with your business, so you can see them as a fundamental part in creating brand image, so you should take good care of everything you post on them.

The second reason why they are important is that they help you build a community around your brand. This interaction with the public will surely translate into more traffic to your website or to your physical business and this, at the end of the day, means sales.


Why should I schedule my publications?

If you agree on the important role that social networks play in your business, but you don’t understand why you should schedule a publication and not just post when you have a great idea, perhaps you should know that different social networks have peaks of more affluence that you should take advantage of so that a publication has more advantage of being seen.

This is one of the reasons why you should schedule a post on your profile, because you may not be available at that time to make the publication. For example, according to a study on the best time to publish on different social networks, you should publish at 2 A. M. on Instagram because that is when there are more people connected.

Some other social networks have more users connected during working hours, so imagine if you are present in more than one social network, and you want to manage your company’s profile in each of them, you would be posting throughout the day, interrupting other tasks. That’s why it’s important to have a software that helps you to schedule publications, and this way you can have in advance a calendar of specific posts for special days such as Christmas, New Year’s Day or Valentine’s Day and republish important information about your company such as contact information, promotions or price lists, for example.

The best thing to do is to hire a community manager and a social media manager who will manage your company’s social networks professionally and according to your needs, but if you are just starting and do not have the budget to do it or you want to start with this task yourself and then delegate it, then you can review the following list of applications that besides helping you to schedule content on your profiles, will also give you some analytics that will help you measure the success of each publication.


1. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is the classic and favorite platform for community managers, as it is one of the most complete and easy to use. With it, you can create, schedule and publish on the most popular and important social networks.

The most important features of Hootsuite are its desktops, which are the interface that allows you to make an effective and detailed monitoring of each publication according to what you need to visualize, either from one network or another, for example in this desktop you can view the number of mentions you have on Twitter, the reactions on an Instagram feed; you can even check how the competition is doing with certain publications.

Although it is a paid tool, it has a free version that is quite complete and can serve you if you only have your own account, or you are a community that starts and has few customers, with this free account you can manage up to 3 profiles on social networks, schedule 30 messages in advance, and you will also have basic analytics.

Another advantage is that you can use it from your cell phone, because it has an app for mobile devices, you can also integrate group work applications such as Trello or Slack, so that teamwork to manage social networks is easier.

The networks that are compatible with Hootsuite are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest.


2. Buffer


Buffer is one of the favorite tools of communities mainly because of its simplicity, but do not let this confuse you because it is simple but very powerful. If you want to get the most out of it, it is best to buy the paid version, but if you are just starting out or only manage the social networks of your business then you can opt for a free version, which allows you to manage up to 3 profiles and schedule 10 monthly publications.

Its panel is intuitive and easy to use, it allows you to set predetermined schedules and order the content with a simple drag and drop.

In its paid version you have the option to view videos, you can even schedule stories for Instagram, it is compatible with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn.


3. Recur Post


Another favorite tool for community managers is RecurPost. This tool is excellent for company profiles that have to republish one or more posts periodically, as it allows you to reschedule content from time to time without having to manually schedule each time.

As with other tools there is a paid version, but the free version is very complete and the best thing is that you can use it for life, of course with a single account, you can also edit the posts that are scheduled to increase or change the information in those publications. You can also add the content libraries you need.


4. Creator Studio


Another great tool that is among the favorites of community managers is Creator Studio, developed by Facebook, to automate and schedule publications both on Facebook and Instagram.

This tool has a previewer for publications and videos, a calendar and a brief statistics section. If you are interested in monetizing your content, you can do it directly from here.

The big difference with other tools is that in addition to coordinating and scheduling publications, it also allows you to automate content with videos for IGTV.

Obviously, its main problem is that it does not work with other social networks and there are no tools to schedule stories.


5. Later


If Instagram is a fundamental social network for your brand, then you really need the help that Later provides. At first glance it seems one of the simplest and easiest tools on the list, but if for your brand Instagram is an especially important network then this tool will be one of your main allies, as it helps you to boost your feed. It also helps you to schedule and publish periodically on your profile easily. As if that were not enough, it can provide you with valuable analytics data that help you measure the impact and success of each publication.

This tool is 100% free for one user profile and with é? allows you to measure and schedule 30 posts per month, it also allows you to preview your feed. With this tool you can access Linkin. lio. bite that allows you to add your website link to bring traffic from this social network to your site.


As we have already said, working on social networks is necessary to position and expand your brand image, but also to manage them in the right way, posting constantly and having interaction with your followers helps to create a community, a very important job if you want to attract new customers and convert loyal customers.  Before you start trying these tools, tell us, do you know another tool that helps you to program the content of your company’s social networks?


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