Having a website ensures you have a presence on the Internet, but it may not be enough to achieve the objectives of your digital marketing strategy, so today we will show you what are the benefits of blogging, so you can include it in your strategy.

Bill Gates once said “Content is King”, and the best way to generate quality content, in an efficient and practical way on your website is through a blog, in fact blogs are still one of the tools that have more influence on customers when buying so having your corporate blog for your brand is a must, but if you want to know what other benefits have a corporate blog we invite you to read on.


What is blogging, and what are its benefits?

Blogging is an inbound marketing tool, it is the action of running a blog, a section of your website where you frequently update content.

Blogs are one of the first web pages to become popular, however despite having several years among us are still an essential part of the Internet, even though blogs have to compete with audiovisual content Internet users still continue to browse in search of written information, in fact 94 percent of people share content from a blog because they believe it will be useful for others, while for most Internet users a blog is a reliable source of accurate information online, so if you are still doubting if it is still a good time to start with your company’s blog we leave you some benefits what a blog can bring to you.


1. Positioning

Having a blog is an excellent opportunity to improve the positioning of your website. For starters, Google ranks pages that have content that is constantly updated higher than static pages. In addition, each blog post is a new opportunity to make Google’s neural networks rank your content better. That’s why you should make sure that every post on your blog has SEO strategies, such as the correct use of the most searched keywords and link building.

If your articles are attractive and people regularly come in to read, comment and share them, for Google it means that you are doing a good job, and therefore gives you higher rankings, which means that your site can appear more easily at the top of the search results.


2. Reputation

A corporate blog helps build your online presence and if you generate quality and original content the blog will help you position yourself as an expert in the field you specialize in, in other words a blog will help you to be recognized as a leader in your niche.

When someone comes to read your blog, they are most likely interested in those topics, so offer them quality content that can help solve their problems and doubts. The more new content, your visitors will see you as an expert in the area, and therefore it will be easier for them to choose you over your competition, not only to be informed but also to consume.


3. Create a community

Writing about topics related to your niche is an excellent way to help your customers, explaining everything related to your niche you can solve doubts, present news and give advice.

If you write quality blog posts that help satisfy the needs of your readers you will surely have a community that will be willing to read you periodically and not only that, it will surely be easier to place your services or products in this community.

In addition, if you allow the publication of comments, you will have a window to direct interaction with your customers and readers, because you will be able to know what they think, what their doubts and needs are, in short, having a blog helps you to form a community.


4. It helps you learn

When you have a blog, you always end up researching new topics or even end up going deeper into the topics you think you know more about. Writing on a blog periodically forces you to keep learning about your niche, this is a great advantage because it helps you keep up to date with everything related to your business, plus this learning is done in an organic and organized way, so it will surely be more satisfying than researching just for the sake of researching.


5 Social media content

If you write a quality blog then you will surely have valuable information that you can recycle, for example posts on social networks. If you take the most outstanding fragments of a blog post and publish them, enriching them with images, it will help you generate content for your social networks quickly, without sacrificing quality. In addition, this will help you to double your traffic from your social network profile to your website.


6. Know your target audience

Having a blog is much more than just writing posts on a regular basis, running it effectively means that you will also be aware of the comments and statistics it generates. If you analyze these comments and statistics you can have more knowledge of the needs and interests of your target audience, this can help you to detect the areas of growth of your business, it can also offer you data to improve your service or products.


7. Convert your readers into leads

The information in your blog can help your readers become leads, and these in turn into buyers. The audience that comes to read your blog will be mostly interested visitors, so you must take into account that the content should be oriented to educate and resolve the doubts of readers, however, remember that at the end of the day readers are potential customers and with the right actions could become customers, although the promotions of the products and your brand should be organic.

If the content you are generating is of great interest, you can ask your audience to subscribe to the newsletter and this way you will have valuable information for email marketing.


Tips for starting your own blog

Now that you know the benefits of having a blog it is time to start yours, but you have to keep in mind that running a blog involves hard and constant work, so we will give you some tips to make it a success from the beginning.


A blog is not for selling

A blog is a fundamental part of your digital marketing strategy, but don’t use it to sell. Maybe you can dedicate one or two posts to present a product, but if you do it repeatedly you will have less interested readers, and Google will identify you as spam and will not position you as well as you need.

You can use your blog to present your products, but in an organic way, you can do it when your product can solve a need, for example if you sell vacuum cleaners, you can write about tips for vacuuming a car and present one of your models as a good solution.


Original and regular content

For Google, it is very important that you present quality and original content, but for your audience it is also very important, if you want your blog to stand out from the competition then don’t use recycled content from other blogs. Of course, you can use the same topics, but always try to give them a fresh and personal approach that appeals to your audience.

Also, it is very important that you commit to posting consistently. At the beginning it is best that you upload several posts at once, in fact when you start your blog publish several posts, so that readers can get to know you a little better. After a while, it is best to establish a publication schedule.


Generate interaction

Google improves the positioning when there is interaction in a blog, so one of the objectives in the writing of your blog is to invite your audience to interact, your content should invite dialogue. A very simple way to do this is to ask a question directly.

A good interaction in each post not only helps in Google positioning, it also helps you to have more data about your audience and verify if you are doing a good job.


In conclusion, if you don’t have a blog yet, it’s time for you to decide to make one, but remember that it needs time, dedication and perseverance to get positioned. However, if you start with a clear objective and excellent planning, you will quickly begin to see the benefits of blogging. Tell us if you are willing to create a blog for your company.





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