Here we present some of the best strategies to attract new customers with your website, in a simpler way and without investing a lot of money.

A website is the best way for your business to have a presence on the Internet. If you already have one, you will have realized that it is a difficult job that may not be giving you the results you want, especially when it comes to attracting customers.

The fact is, attracting customers with your website is usually a much more difficult job than it sounds. But, don’t worry, because today we’ll share with you some of the best strategies to attract new customers with your website, in a simpler way and without investing a lot of money.

1. Choose the ideal website for your type of business

One of the most common mistakes we make is not choosing the right type of website for our business. There are many different types of websites, and each one fulfills a particular purpose, so some may be ideal for some types of businesses, while others may not be very useful for them.

There are at least 6 types of websites, and here we will show you what their characteristics are and what type of business they are best suited for:

  • Corporate website. Basically, it is the digital presentation of a company, its main objective is to present the company with possible contacts. It can have different sections, like mission, vision, history, etc. Its essential function is to provide information. This type of website is ideal for companies, agencies and even freelancers.
  • Magazine. It is a page dedicated to inform, it has regular sections that you update periodically. Editorially, they are very similar to printed magazines or newspapers. Its main objective is to inform about a topic or entertainment in general. These sites are ideal for journalists, influencers, bloggers and companies dedicated to culture and entertainment.
  • Portfolio. Portfolios are websites whose objective is to present the work of artists and creators. They are usually sites with minimalist designs to highlight the artist’s content. They are ideal pages for visual artists, designers, photographers and other creative professions.
  • Microsite. It is a site very similar to a business website, but simpler, as it does not present information about a company or agency and is only dedicated to a specific and well-defined service, product or theme. Its aim is to advertise by informing exclusively about a product. They are ideal for companies, especially those dedicated to commerce.
  • Landing pages. Landing pages are pages similar to microsites, which present you with a specific product or service. The big difference is that the landing pages have an objective beyond informing, as its purpose is to convince the public to purchase that product or service. This type of pages can be combined with others and are ideal for companies, agencies and businesses.
  • Online store. Online stores are pages where the main objective is the sale of products and services. Unlike landing pages, online stores offer more than one product and provide the ideal shopping experience. The future customer can easily navigate between the different products and their characteristics, thanks to the fact that its objective is to motivate the sale of products, through a catalog of them.

You can see that each of these types of websites have characteristics that allow them to work better for a specific objective. Therefore, before making a site for your business you have to evaluate what the objective of site will be and which of these types can help you achieve it.

It is also valid to use more than one type of site to help you attract more customers to your business. For example, you can use a corporate website and include a link to a magazine to promote your services or products or use a landing page at the beginning of your online store to attract more customers to a special offer.

2. Don’t underestimate the importance of design

No matter what type of website you decide to create, a fundamental part of attracting customers has to do with the design of the site. We do not only refer to the color combination or typography, your attention must be focused on achieving an aesthetically pleasing design, but above all, user-friendly.

If you have managed to attract traffic to your website, but it is super cumbersome to navigate it, nobody will want to return to it. You must always think of intuitive and simple designs where the information your customer needs is just a click away.

Please, don’t forget to optimize your site for mobile devices, because nowadays most internet users navigate through these devices and not through a desktop computer. In addition, you will better your positioning in Google, since this search engine favors sites that can be displayed on smartphones or tablets without any problem.

3. Create a blog

Planning is the key to success, setting possible goals, knowing your customers and evaluating your communication and advertising channels are the first steps to achieve a successful marketing strategy and attract new customers to your business.

If you offer a service or product and you only have a corporate website or an online store, you can incorporate a blog. This strategy will help you present each of your products in more detail.

A blog will help you to have detailed and exclusive publicity for your products, besides if you use SEO strategies you can appear in the first results of Google searches. Of course, you will also have a communication channel with your customers, since through the comments you can measure the degree of acceptance of a product or service.

4. Take care of the content

The content of your website or blog is a fundamental part that you cannot forget, because, to a great extent, it will determine your positioning in search engines.

Once again, you need to research and determine what your visitors and potential customers are looking for. Solving these needs with your content will help you gain more visitors and, surely, customers.

While keywords are necessary for the positioning of Google results, the search engine and your visitors also value the clarity of the texts. That’s why it’s important that you don’t leave your site’s content in the background. You can even update old content to make your site fresher and improve the user experience.

5. Post special offers

If you have already generated a certain level of traffic on your website, it’s time to transform those visitors into customers. An excellent option is to announce offers, especially offers with a short time validity. Generating the feeling that something doesn’t last long will make more people buy from you immediately to avoid missing out.

To achieve this effect on your website more effectively, it is best to use a landing page, which draws the attention of your visitors and encourages them to buy from you.

No matter what strategies you implement to attract more customers with your website, the most important thing is to determine who your target audience is and what they are looking for, so you can develop a strategy that will convert your effort into more customers.

Let us know if you know another strategy to transform a website into a customer magnet.

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